Wednesday, 28 December 2011

In Dilema...

Huaaaa....caner ni. Tadi dok tengok2 air busan utk ke jeju. Ticket dia leh tahan harganya. Plus, tetiba datang idea. Why not kalau from Seoul-Jeju-Busan and back to Seoul. But the problem is, i'm not confident. Huaaaa. Sedey. Maybe till autumn trip, baru pergi with my beloved friends. Macam xberani pulak nk redah jeju n busan sensorg. Tp dalam hati kata nak. Huaaaa...Ottoke....Banyak sangat idea nyer. Tapi xper, ada lebey kurang 2 bulan lebey lagi. So, leh decide kemudian^^

Friday, 23 December 2011

Sad Story...Friday

Yup, cerita yg sadis di hari jumaat. Semua bermula daripada en dato masuk melalui pintu doremon nyer. Sy yg tengah tido ala2 sedap2 gitu didepan komputer terus terjaga. En dato masuk dlm toilet. Jadi sy kene berpura2 ni.Bukak la emel. Then dia lalu pastu tegur sy. Sy dgn gembiranyer hi kat dia dan ckp, dato.
Lepas dia lalu tu, tgk lik komputer, mak aihhh, emel ape aku bukak ni. Jobstreet. Phuahahahaahah.Giler lawak. Patut la en dato pandang jer.kuikuikui.sorry eh en dato.Tp part tu xbest lagi. Ni yg lagi best.Ingatkan dah nek atas, rupanye duk lepak dlm bilik en azman yg gelap itu.
Then dia kuar, tanyer mane kakak tea lady tu. Time tu pulak kakak tu xder.Dia ckp nk minum nescafe.Plan no 1 nk g cari kakak tu, tp xjadi.Last2, sy buatkan la.Dahla xpernah buat.Tp redha jer la. Then, bagi kat dia dengan tersipu2 sy pun serahkan cawan berisi nescafe buatan tangan.1st time tu buat.huaaaa.Dgn sedey:
Sy: Dato, sy xtaw sedap ke x.
En dato: sy cuba yer. Hurmmm.ok jer
Sy: ok.nnti sy cuba buat lagi. (muka tersengih2 ok)
Huaaaa.malu seh.Tp kan, nape sy xhembus2 air nescafe tu.Kasi dato bg bonus banyak sikit.hohohoho.Dan yg best, mcm nk mintak balik appraisal kat en bos.Nk tmbah tugas2 khas.Bancuh air tuk dato.Kasi up ckit markah appraisal.Phuahahahahahaha.
Sekian, cite hari jumaat. Seb baek hari ni en dato nyer birthday.jadi cam buat khas tuk dato la yer^^.
Happy birthday to you en dato^^jgn lupa kasi bonus yer

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Super Show Memories

This post all about Super Show 2 Malaysia 2010, Super Show 3 Singapore 2011 and Super Show 3 Malaysia 2011.

Super Show 2 Malaysia (2010/03/20)

Super Show 3 Singapore, 2nd Night (2011/01/30)

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

100 Days

Another 100 days to go. My feeling right now, nervous, excited...hurmmm. Dunno how to describe my feeling. 
This is what I've done:
Flight ticket, check.
Guest house (Ann Guesthouse), check.
Itinerary, not done yet but will work it out. Still have time to plan where to go. But already have some idea.
Actually, a place that I really want to go is Handel and Gretel, Yesungie oppa cafe. Hope to see him at the cafe. Errrr, fangirling mode.hohohoho.
Then, I really want to go to Seoraksan.Hohohoho.Alone.Hurmmmmm....maybe yes, or maybe no.
Going there in March, dunno whether I need extra jacket or not. I can't stand coldness.Huhuhu. Maybe I should buy long john just in case the temperature is cold.
Travelling alone might be challenging for myself because this is my first time to travel alone but my second time to go to Korea. Hopefully everything going well and I can enjoy my 10 days trip there. Aja2 hwaiting!!!!